What Is Banned from Massachusetts Dumpsters — and Why

Even though we may want to recycle as much as possible, there are some categories of solid waste that Massachusetts bans from the waste stream.  These items are banned from dumpsters and dumpster rentals because of their potentially harmful effects on us and on our environment.  Here’s a short primer on what these items are, … Read More »

What Happens to Construction Waste After It's Put in the Dumpster?

Construction and demolition companies often ask us, “What happens to the materials we put into your dumpster? Where do they go? Do you just bring them to a landfill?” We can assure you that we do not take your materials to a landfill. We take our position as waste managers very seriously and want to … Read More »

Single Stream Recycling- Is It a Viable Method for Your Community?

Single Stream Recycling is a very beneficial system that has become part of daily life in America. It triggers purposeful use of waste materials and reduces energy use. It also decreases air pollution (via incineration) and cuts water contamination (via landfilling). However, though everyone agrees on the goals of reusing waste materials, there is much … Read More »

New Graham Waste Blog! Dumpster Rental and Trash Removal

Welcome to the new Graham Waste blog! We’ll be updating customers, reviewing new product offerings and talking about our involvement in the communities of Eastern Massachusetts over the next months and even years.  There are lots of new technologies and interesting recycling opportunities in the trash removal and dumpster rental industry.  Check back soon and … Read More »